Monday, February 24, 2020

The First Humans on Camera

            We all know and love portrait photography. Whether you're an actor needing a headshot, a couple announcing there engagement, or a businessperson seeking a job though LinkedIn, portrait photography has been a major part of how we communicate who we are and how we present ourselves to people. I fully expected the first photograph of a person to be a purposeful portrait of someone who had wealth somewhere in Europe. However, it is quite the opposite.
           The photograph pictured above is the first ever photograph to document a human being. Upon close examination, you can see that there is a man on the street corner getting his shoes shined. At first, I thought that was it. The only two people were the customer and the shiner. I was wrong! When you look closer you can see a child's face in the window of one of the buildings. You can even see that there are people on the corner across the street.
       This happy accident of a photo seems to have shaped how we use photographs to communicate now. There are seldom people you meet that say they have never been photographed. Now, we take pictures of every milestone. These people were not planning on making history. It is certainly interesting to see how far the subjects of photography of this photo taken in 1838 in Paris have come. I am happy that this discovery was made. Without it, we could not have the world that we live in now.


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