Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Evolution of Technology

Image result for instagram logo
The technological revolution has been noted as one of the most influential movements in the world's history. Without technology, we would not have the survival tactics we have developed in the modern world. We have based our entire way of communicating around the technological advancements that shaped our every day lives. We often take for granted that ease that technology brings us every day. I was lucky enough to have grown up in the age of technology and the peak of its  newer connotation. Social media rules the lives of many young men and women and that really started to take place once the Instagram app emerged.
    I still remember the day I downloaded Instagram. I was about twelve years old. I had to beg my parents to let me make an account. I remember thinking that Instagram was more of a gaming app. I was confused that it was not anything like Facebook where you could play games with your friend. It was only a photo sharing site. So, my little twelve year old brain took advantage of that and found those Instagram challenge trends and nailed them every time, or so I thought I did. Now, people my age use Instagram to brand themselves. People actually get paid to post on Instagram and generate revenue from their posts for brands that choose to sponsor them, it is crazy to think of how the app evolved from its start in 2011. Many kids today don't know a world without sharing their lives online.  The influence of technology is one that is very notable and documented as an event that revolutionized the way that people live their lives. 

Reference: In-class presentation 

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